Case Study

Digital Garage's

Digital Garage partnered with Eric Ries to start a lean product consultancy and professional services business. I joined as founding CTO and managed the integration of half a dozen acquisitions to form a single global company that did work for companies an governments around the world.

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All Works


Nicole Caba
“I came across a beautifully designed template and was able to launch a gorgeous website in just 2 weeks. The design is elegant, and have received hundreds of compliments so far”
Denis Pakhaliuk
“Templates by these guys perfectly match our needs and internal workflow. I think Webflow is the future of website design and front-end, and Elastic Themes helps to shape that future today by creating some great templates”
Deena Fox
"The design and quality of code is excellent. I purchased a template to launch a new online media project and it was super easy and quick to set up with a stunning result."