Case Study


Quantstamp is a winter 2018 YCombinator company with a mission to secure the decentralized internet, and has protected over $8B in digital asset risk from hackers. More than 170 startups, foundations and enterprises work with Quantstamp to keep their innovative products safe.

Quantstamp ran a successful ICO 2017 to build a protocol for smart contract verification and security audits using SAT solvers. As the ICO closed the team was accepted in to the prestigious YC startup accelerator. The team needed to move quickly to take the whitepaper and translate in to running code.

Quantstamp YC

Quantstamp brought me in as VP of Engineering to take the company's idea to a working product in three months. We had a deeply technical product to build from scratch and a very tight timeline.

To get the product launched I hired out a team of professional engineers and designers to compliment the PhD's on the team and blockchain hackers. I pulled in a team to support their expertise and we released a fully functioning product by YC demo day on the web and ethereum.

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